
Windows 7 RC Now Available

Published by dave at 7:49 AM under computers | Microsoft Operating Systems | Windows 7

Windows 7 Release Candidate has been available on bit torrents and to a small group of testers for several days now, but the official release and download from Microsoft was just made available today for widespread distribution.

You can find the full version in 32 bit or 64 bit here.

Now is a great opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with what looks to be an extremely potent and capable operating system. Be sure you read up on the system requirements before making the leap. Remember, this is not a full release and only serious techies should consider it for their fulltime OS. If you just want to see what all the hype is about, you may wish to consider running the OS in a "Virtual Machine". It's a great way to test out the new OS while leaving your existing system unchanged.

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